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  • Foster Care

    Prayers In The Doorway

    I can never sleep the night before a court hearing. You’d think that after almost 3 years of this with court hearings happening every 60-90 days that I would be accustomed to how all…

    June 17, 2019
  • Lifestyle

    Accepting My Motherhood

    What is the most precious keepsake you have that reminds you of your child? For me, it is this locket. It is the only physical possession that I have of A and Sunshine. You…

    April 1, 2019
  • Foster Care Lifestyle

    Waiting Rooms

    Over the past year JJ and I have sat in a lot of actual waiting rooms. Sometimes there are seasons in life that feel like waiting rooms too. Learning to be content with God’s timing…

    July 23, 2016