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Foster Care

  • Foster Care

    100 Days as Foster Parents

    Today is officially the 100th day that we have been foster parents. In that time we have changed 838 diapers, cleaned 1,412 bottles, had 87 sleepless nights, and washed what feels like at least…

    December 2, 2016
  • Foster Care Lifestyle

    Tiny, But Mighty

      It has been a while since I posted. Life around here is a little crazy. Since my last post we have had two more sweet babes in our home. I have a lot…

    December 2, 2016
  • Foster Care Lifestyle

    The Week We Became Parents

    It’s funny how many stories sometimes start and end with the same thing. This story, as simple as it may sound, begins with us peering through our window that overlooks the street, and it ends…

    September 9, 2016
  • Foster Care

    A Letter to a Sweet Baby Girl

    Dear Sweet Baby Girl, As I was driving away from physical therapy this morning I noticed I had a voicemail from a number that I didn’t recognize. I hit play and heard a woman’s…

    August 24, 2016
  • Foster Care Lifestyle

    Waiting Rooms

    Over the past year JJ and I have sat in a lot of actual waiting rooms. Sometimes there are seasons in life that feel like waiting rooms too. Learning to be content with God’s timing…

    July 23, 2016
  • Foster Care

    We Are Expecting…

    We are excited to announce that we are expecting a foster baby this summer! We are so thrilled to be announcing this news. If you know me at all, you know that I can’t keep…

    July 15, 2016